Award Winning Author
Ann Marie’s Story
ANN MARIE can’t remember a time she wasn’t putting on plays, singing along with Julie Andrews, or writing stories.
The first book she wrote is the novel she’s working on now. While in her teens, Ann’s dad challenged her to write about her mom’s parents who escaped from Stalin’s Russia of 1929, leaving behind their three-year-old son.
Delving into the history of that choice and the emotions, and learning about their lives, fascinated her. Ann Marie researched, wrote, and rewrote, meanwhile publishing five other books.
Now after forty years, Ann Marie looks to publish THE REMNANTS, explaining, she doesn’t like unfinished business. “And from heaven, my dad will smile.”
Though currently an East Coast girl, Ann Marie spent the first half of her life in West Coast Washington, then after a blind date with an East Coast guy, married and moved to the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains 45 minutes outside of DC.
When she’s not writing, she’s teaching voice, directing musical theatre, or working out in her voice/fitness studio. In her free time, Ann Marie enjoys spending time with her husband, thrifting with her two adult daughters, watching UVA basketball, or tending the flock of fuzzy sheep on Skye Moor Farm—which provide practical examples of the Great Shepherd and Lamb of God, as well as unscripted drama and plenty of entertaining material to write about!

“Each book is a question waiting to be answered.”